Many years ago the Earth was settled by ancient creatures, some of them spoiled people’s lives greatly. It was a horrifying night. Terrifying dinosaurs attacked the village of one boy’s prehistoric tribe: they trampled the fire and killed the whole tribe. The only saved man turned out to be the boy, who had gone hunting that night. When he returned home, his grief was endless. He lost everything and most importantly the fire! He spent many days sitting near the extinct fire and mourning his relatives.
But his stomach couldn’t stand the starvation and the boy felt hungry. So he went hunting in the forest. He found there a cave. It took several days for him to feel at home and to try to kindle the fire. The unhappy boy gave up all hope of eating some roasted meat and to warm near the fire. But the gods of fortune felt sorry for the boy. A tornado passed near the forest accompanied by lighting. The lightning set fire to the tree. This fact astonished the kid greatly. He took the stick and ran towards the tree. So the fire was started in the cave.