依靠自己的智力让小动物们顺利过河。游戏规则:一只大狮子,一只小狮子,一只大老虎、一只小老虎、一只大花豹,一只小花豹要到河对面去,只有大动物和小老虎会划船,船每次只能乘、两只动物。大动物之间互相吃不了,小动物之间互相吃不了,如果大动物不在,同类的小动物就会被异类大动物吃掉。 use your Intelligence to help animals cross the river. game rule: one Mother lion,tiger,leopard and son lion,tiger,leopard want to cross river.Only mothers and little tiger can boating and the boat can only take two animals each time.Monthers only or sons only can be safe,but the son stays without Mother will be eaten by other […]